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The CBD Health Doctor

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Advice on weight management

The best way I think to tone your waist and hip areas is to do yoga.  I have been practicing yoga for a little over two years now and I am amazed at how far I have come from when I first started.  Like with anything in life, practicing makes perfect.  The key is to start out easy and then move on to more advanced poses.  My favorite poses for the waist are probably the planks and bridges.  The best ones for your hips are definitely the pigeon pose and lunges.


Another way to efficiently tone your waist and hips is to do strengthening exercises for the targeted area. You can do lunges with weights in your hands or sumo squats.  Sumo squats are a particular favorite.  If you really want to tone your hips, do step-ups with dumbbells.


The last way to tone these areas is to do some cardio exercises.  I have been running on and off for the past two years and it has really helped tone my entire body.  It really adds definition to your upper and lower legs as well as your waist area.  The key is persistence and perseverance when doing these exercises.


I would highly suggest a varied form of these exercises to getting the best results.  You don't want to focus on one area and not the others.  I have learned that the hard way.  My hips and legs were toned, but my waist and butt are not toned and this puts unneeded stress on my IT Band in my left leg.  I am continuing working on it.


In conclusion, there are various ways in which you can get a better-toned waist and hip area.   The main thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't happen overnight.  You also have to put in the time and effort to see change.  Without it, you are just wasting your time. In order to enroll in a proper weight loss program, you can contact Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD.

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